Empirical research in economics, finance, research and management using R
Essentials, real examples, and troubleshooting
This page contains the slides and numerical simulation codes for the lectures delivered in 2023 during my employment as a post-doctoral researcher at the University of Luxembourg.
Day 1: Introduction into programming (2023-09-18)
Day 2: Getting started with R (2023-09-20)
Day 3: Special object types in R (2023-09-25)
Day 4: Functions, a.k.a. the pith of R (2023-09-27)
Day 5: Graphics and summaries in R (2023-10-02)
Day 6: Numerical optmisation in R (2023-10-03)
This course will change the manner in which one conceptualises applied statistical analysis and, in fact, may create certain cognitive biases.: