Taught courses
Course pages
- Efficient estimation 2019
- Microéconomie 2015
- Empirical research in economics, finance, and management using R 2023
Course list
- 2024. Lecturer in Topics in applied time-series analysis: Models, seasonal adjustment, and imputation. University of Luxembourg.
- 2023. Lecturer in Optimising Ph.D. workflow: preparing a polished thesis in LaTeX, R, and open-source software in less time. University of Luxembourg.
- 2023. Lecturer in Empirical research in economics, finance, and management using R: Essentials, real examples, and troubleshooting. University of Luxembourg.
- 2019–2021. Teaching assistant in Non-Parametric Methods in Econometrics. University of Luxembourg.
- 2017–2020. Teaching assistant in Advanced Econometrics. University of Luxembourg.
- 2019–2020. Teaching assistant in Calculus. (French + English.) University of Luxembourg.
- 2019. Summer school lecturer. Course: Efficient Estimation of Econometric Models. Higher School of Economics 2019 Summer School (Yerevan, Armenia).
- 2015. Teaching assistant in Microeconomics. (French.) Paris 1 ‘Panthéon-Sorbonne’.
- 2014–2015. Teaching assistant in Econometrics. Higher School of Economics, Moscow.
- 2011. Teaching assistant in French. Higher School of Economics, Moscow.